White Horse (2020-01-31T23:00 / 2020-02-01T11:00)

White Horse (2020-01-31T23:00 / 2020-02-01T11:00) documents the moment that the UK left the EU at 11pm on 31st January 2020, and the morning after at 11am on 1st February. The field recordings, each lasting approximately 11 minutes, were made from the vantage point of the Folkestone White Horse hill figure, overlooking the terminal of the Channel Tunnel that connects the UK to mainland Europe.

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Starling Broadcast

Starling Broadcast is an electroacoustic work combining sampled bird song with digital synthesis and improvised manipulation. The source field recordings, capturing the sound of a starling roost beneath Folkestone Harbour’s 1930s swing bridge, were made over three subsequent dusk evenings in late November 2018.

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Folkestone’s El Dorado: An auditory ramble through The Warren

El Dorado is a triptych of soundscapes that combine original music and field recordings capturing the unique sounds and biodiversity of Folkestone Warren: a designated local nature reserve (LNR) and site of special scientific interest (SSSI).

“The Warren has been termed the El Dorado and the “terra felix” of the entomologists. And not without reason.”
– Rambles Around Folkestone by “Felix”, 1913

The field recordings were made along three routes, and over three consecutive mornings in the first week of July 2018, between 4am and 7am, during the dawn chorus when the avian inhabitants of The Warren are at their most vocal.

Continue reading Folkestone’s El Dorado: An auditory ramble through The Warren